Experience the captivating drama of "Paper Towns" on Blu-ray or DVD. This 2-disc set includes a digital copy and offers a 109-minute run time with an aspect ratio of 2.40:1. Directed by Jake Schreier, this PG-13 rated movie stars Cameronas Creevy, Hassan Johnson, and Hallee Steves. The film is presented in French, Spanish, and English with subtitles available in the same languages. The movie follows the story of a young boy, Charlie, who sets out to uncover the mysteries of his neighbor, Patty, who he suspects is hiding a dark secret. With the help of his classmate, Sam, Charlie embarks on a thrilling adventure that leads him to unexpected twists and turns. This Blu-ray/DVD set is a must-have for fans of the genre who enjoy a good plot with an unexpected ending.